Save Rp  325.000!


Original price was: Rp  975.000.Current price is: Rp  650.000.

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The Rival 500 is the first 15 button MOBA/MMO mouse designed to function with the natural movements of your hand.
We designed the buttons on the Rival 500 to resemble the natural motion of your thumb. All the buttons you use are easily clickable by simply rotating your thumb around in a circular motion.

Flickdown Switches

With a simple flick of the thumb, the two lower buttons are pressed. We wanted to give you the fastest response time for those key bindings, and the best way was to make it as natural as possible

Say goodbye to the antiquated 12-button grid layout that’s oddly reminiscent of your 2002 era candy bar cell phone. This new layout makes it easier and faster to identify the individual buttons with less misclicks.

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Blossom Multimedia – Solusi komputer anda di kota Malang